Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kidde Fire Extinguisher - Fire Extinguisher w/ Wall Hook (4lb ABC MP Pro 210 Consumer)

Fire Extinguisher w/ Wall Hook (4lb ABC MP Pro 210 Consumer)

Fire Extinguisher w/ Wall Hook (4lb ABC MP Pro 210 Consumer)
Fire Extinguisher w/ Wall Hook (4lb ABC MP Pro 210 Consumer) - Size: 4 lbs - Dimensions: 15.7" H X 4.5" Diameter Model Number: PRO 210 - UL Rating: 2-A, 10-B:C Effective Against Class: ABC - Discharge Time: 13 to 15 sec Discharge Range: 10 to 15 ft - Operating Pressure: 100 PSI Expellant: Monoammonium Phosphate - Cylinder Material: Seamless Aluminum Model Number 21005779K - Discharge Time: 13 to 15 sec - Discharge Range: 10 to 15 ft - Operating Pressure: 100 PSI - Expellant: Monoammonium Phosphate - Cylinder Material: Seamless Aluminum - Handle/Lever Material: Metal - Bracket Provided: Wall Hook (UL Approved) - Properties: - Multipurpose Use/Rechargeable - Suitable for use on Class A (trash, wood & paper), Class B (liquids & gases) and Class C fires (energized electrical equipment) - The PRO 210 is fitted with a pressure gauge that provides at-a-glance status, is manufactured from lightweight aluminum cylinder & the valve assembly is all metal - Features bilingual nameplate and carton - Manufactured in the USA - 6 year limited war
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If you’re looking for top recommended Fire Extinguisher w/ Wall Hook (4lb ABC MP Pro 210 Consumer), then Fire Extinguisher w/ Wall Hook (4lb ABC MP Pro 210 Consumer) is our suggestion. Many good reviews already proving the quality of this product. The Fire Extinguisher w/ Wall Hook (4lb ABC MP Pro 210 Consumer) completed with a lot of capabilities which makes it great product. If you wish to know further of this location finding tools, just read its main features below.

  • Size: 4 lbs - Dimensions: 15.7" H X 4.5" Diameter
  • Model Number: PRO 210 - UL Rating: 2-A, 10-B:C
  • Effective Against Class: ABC - Discharge Time: 13 to 15 sec
  • Discharge Range: 10 to 15 ft - Operating Pressure: 100 PSI
  • Expellant: Monoammonium Phosphate - Cylinder Material: Seamless Aluminum

List Price: $ 109.99
Price: $ 109.99


Now aveilable Fire Extinguisher w/ Wall Hook (4lb ABC MP Pro 210 Consumer) with cheap price.

BUY Fire Extinguisher w/ Wall Hook (4lb ABC MP Pro 210 Consumer)